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Failed to slice sprite sheet image into frames


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I load a sprite sheet image file in preload states:

this.game.load.spritesheet('rings', Assets.Images.ImagesBlocksRings.getPNG(), 100, 100);

Assets.Images.ImagesBlocksRings.getPNG() returns url of image file like "../assets/rings.png".

Then I add a Phaser.Image object in main state:

this.ring = this.game.add.image(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY - (this.game.world.centerY / 2), 'rings');

But when I run my game, instead of showing a frame, it shows the whole sprite sheet image, not slicing into frames.

If I change the key of sprite sheet to "_rings", it will work fine.

Or If I put load into the preload function in main state, it will work fine, too.

Why is that?

PS: I check the key in Phaser.Cache, it will return true unless after load.

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per the documentation:

new Phaser.Image(game, x, y, key, frame)

so you are missing an argument to specify the frame

ps: why is this forum using a rich text editor and not markdown? +.+

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On 2017/3/3 at 10:29 AM, ldd said:

per the documentation:

new Phaser.Image(game, x, y, key, frame)

so you are missing an argument to specify the frame

ps: why is this forum using a rich text editor and not markdown? +.+

Thanks. I found out. Because I used a Phaser Template. It loads everything in assets folder automatically and gives keys by file name. So this happened. 

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