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How to call a single action manager with multiple triggers.


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In my game, i have a house with many doors, so the code for opening the door is

var doors=function(mesh)
        mesh.actionManager=new BABYLON.ActionManager(Scene);

mesh.actionManager.registerAction(new BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, mesh, "rotation.y",Math.PI/2, 1000)).then
   (new BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, mesh, "rotation.y",-Math.PI/180, 1000));


the above code works fine when i click on the door But,

I also have an zombie like Artificial Intelligence which also can open the doors,

so my question is, how can i call the function 'doors' when the distance between any door and AI is less than 100.

As the code is for OnPickTrigger, it is not working for AI.


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Hiya @rakesh, and welcome to the forum.  Take a look at http://doc.babylonjs.com/classes/2.5/action

There is an .execute method... on Actions.  So, you should be able to manually perform the action (but not the trigger).

 var doors=function(mesh)
        mesh.actionManager=new BABYLON.ActionManager(Scene);

        var myAction = new BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, mesh, "rotation.y",Math.PI/2, 1000)).then
   (new BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, mesh, "rotation.y",-Math.PI/180, 1000);




         if (zombieNearDoor)

Something like that.  :)  It's not quite right, though.

Some might put an invisible plane on the floor, and when zombie intersects invisible plane, zombieNearDoor = true;  :)  Hope this helps.  Here's a playground that also uses .execute() in line 92... http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#4HUQQ#99

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Hi Rakesh and welcome to the forum from me. Only on mobile at the moment so cannot try my suggestion out.

For me since your doors function is creating a new action manager each time it is called and really should be only called once per door I would not call it when the zombie was close to the door, you need a new function. Instead I would create an animation that opened and one that closed a door. The opening would happen when the zombie got close enough to the door and closing when the zombie went through the door and/or moved away from the door.

For information on creating and calling animations read http://babylonjsguide.github.io/basics/Starter

and https://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/animations

I see wingnut just beat me to it with an alternative suggestion. Just like buses non arrive for ages then two come at once. 

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Yep, well said, JohnK. 

Interpolators is interpolators, though.  Animations and ActionManagers both use them, I guess.  :)  http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#BUWYF#49

A click-the-door opener/closer.  (yawn). 

Then there's @gryff's Desk Maneuver.  :)  http://www.3dworlds.ca/desk2/index.html

Clicky-clicky fun!

@thiendv used a playAnimationTrigger of an actionManager... to play animations that were built-into the mesh at modeling-time (pre-import)... here:


See source.  Good stuff.

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