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Dynamically Change textures of selected mesh on HTML click of DOM element


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Hello Babylon community!!

I am having an issue that I am not sure how to resolve.  Here is my github.io to get a better sense of the problem:


In the link above I have a babylon file loaded, and in the side ui (if you click on the gear icon) several texture HTML DOM elements.  What I am trying to do is when you click on the mesh, then click on the texture swatch in the ui, the texture on the mesh will change.  

For some reason however, it is not working correctly.  I click on the mesh, then click on the swatch, then have to click back on the mesh for the texture to actually change.  Note that I am not using the set name of the mesh, but rather a const created from the pick.result so that it will be based off of any loaded mesh.  

Any help on what I am missing (probably something stupid easy) would be awesome! 

Also I am curious if it would have been easier, and more efficient to use the gui?


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I would say it can be fixed in two ways:
1. window.addEventListener("click",...) should just be for the canvas, as clicks on the DOM are already captured.
2. pickResult - check for pickResult.hit before assigning to selected mesh, otherwise it is null (then you can't assign the material).

Also, I think you found a good use case where DOM makes more sense than GUI.  It's simple and easy to use.  You could accomplish with a full screen GUI using Images with textures, but I don't see how you are going to easily get the "overflow auto" working with GUI.

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Thank you for the suggestions @brianzinn.  If I am understanding correctly you are saying this correct:  

             window.addEventListener(canvas, () => {
				const pickResult = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);
				let selectedMesh = null;
				if (pickResult.hit === true) {
					selectedMesh = pickResult.pickedMesh;
					if (selectedMesh && currentFabric) {
						selectedMesh.material = currentFabric;
				console.log(currentFabric, 'currentMesh');

If I am inputting that correctly, the texture change no longer works.  

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13 minutes ago, joeBImagine said:

Thank you for the suggestions @brianzinn.  If I am understanding correctly you are saying this correct:  

             window.addEventListener(canvas, () => {
				const pickResult = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);
				let selectedMesh = null;
				if (pickResult.hit === true) {
					selectedMesh = pickResult.pickedMesh;
					if (selectedMesh && currentFabric) {
						selectedMesh.material = currentFabric;
				console.log(currentFabric, 'currentMesh');

If I am inputting that correctly, the texture change no longer works.  

Hi joe...

selectedMesh set as global var. After click on material, apply to global var (selectedMesh).

Does that make sense?

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4 hours ago, joeBImagine said:

you are saying this correct

yes, I think just remove the line "let selectedMesh = null", because then you are creating a new variable that is not in scope with the other calls, which require a shared (or global variable).

Also, on your github.io page you have "const selectedMesh", that means you don't intend to re-assign it, so just maybe just declare "var selectedMesh;" at the top of your main.js file?

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@Arte @brianzinn  Forgive the delay in a response!!  So I've set the selectedMesh as a global variable above my main function.  But still not able to change textures.  I think it may be something to do with the window.addEventListener(canvas,..) as now I am not able to generate console.log reports when I select the mesh but I am not certain with my limited knowledge.  Updated github.


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@brianzinn  thank you for that, looks like I was doing it wrong.  But I did with your last tidbit and some tweaking, get it to work properly:  

			let h1 = new BABYLON.HighlightLayer('hl', scene);
			//SET THE INITIAL STATE OF THE lastClickedMesh var
			let lastClickedMesh = null;
			let mesh = null;

			scene.onPointerObservable.add(evt => {
				if (evt.pickInfo.hit && evt.pickInfo.pickedMesh !== undefined) {
					 mesh = evt.pickInfo.pickedMesh;
					let fabrics = document.querySelectorAll('.fabrics');
					let currentFabric;
					fabrics.forEach(function(fabric) {
						fabric.addEventListener('click', evt => {
							currentFabric = obj[evt.target.id];
							if(mesh && currentFabric){
								mesh.material = currentFabric;
							}else {
					if (newMeshes) {
						if (lastClickedMesh !== null) {
						lastClickedMesh = mesh;
						h1.addMesh(lastClickedMesh, BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString('#4c90ef'));
				} else {

			}, BABYLON.PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOWN);

I can't emphasize enough how awesome this community is :D!!

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