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Adding a custom property to elements in a group


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I was wondering if there is a way to add a custom property to all the sprites when creating a group, something like an "extend" property on the config object, similar to that of Scenes:

this.enemies = this.add.group({
    key: 'dragon',
    repeat: 5,
    setXY: {
      x: 120,
      y: 100,
      stepX: 70,
      stepY: 20

    //proposed idea
    extend: {
      gold: 2,
      silver: 1


Is there a way currently to set a property to all the elements of a group? from the source code I only found Phaser.Action.Call which can be used for this.

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Nope, but it would be a simple and small add. Feel free to submit a PR, or just open an issue as a feature request.

Some thoughts though:

  1. Would it set the property if it didn't exist?
  2. If the property did exist, would it replace the current value, or skip it? (non destructive)
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19 hours ago, rich said:

Some thoughts though:

  1. Would it set the property if it didn't exist?
  2. If the property did exist, would it replace the current value, or skip it? (non destructive)

Not sure, I guess it would do whatever `extend` does for Scene objects.

Will have a look at how it's implemented for scenes and see what I can do :)

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Had a look at Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createFromConfig but couldn't think of an easy way to add something like what scenes have:

if (sceneConfig.hasOwnProperty('extend'))
            for (var propertyKey in sceneConfig.extend)
                newScene[propertyKey] = sceneConfig.extend[propertyKey];

But also I'm not fully convinced this should be added. I kind of thought that it would be nice to have but then easily added sprite custom properties using Call on the group object in my game:

Phaser.Actions.Call(this.enemies.getChildren(), function(enemy) {
    enemy.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 1;
  }, this);

Maybe it's best not to add so many things and see what common use patterns are emerging first.

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