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Resetting base scale


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I'm new to BabylonJS.

Is it possible to scale an object down but then have it think that its new scale is now 1?

I am building an object out of unit cubes (scale 1 base cubes).  I then merge the objects into a new mesh.   Then I want to scale it down to be a new unit sized cube with scale 1.

I will be using this in a recursive fractal routine that resizes the base cube but it expects it to be scale 1.

I hope that makes sense.  I've tried googling but perhaps I don't know the proper terminology.  Thanks for any feedback.


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Thanks for replying Deltakosh,

It looks like that link may be what I am looking for but just to clarify my understanding of scale with merging and burning...

I'm working on an implementation of a Menger Sponge.

If I build a 3x3x3 cube with 27 cubes of scale 1 and merge them then I get a new mesh that at scale 1 is 3x3x3 units large.  I then want to scale it down 1/3 to take up a 1x1x1 unit space.   Then I want to change its ?'identity'? so that when I clone it and set it's scale to 1 it takes up 1x1x1 instead of 3x3x3.

So I will scale the new merged shape down 1/3 and then bake it with the new vertices so that will then be their locations at scale 1 when I clone it.  Am I understanding things correctly?

Sorry for my noobness.

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I was able to scale a larger merged object down 1/3 and then set that as its base 1x scale by using the following code..

let mergedBoxes = BABYLON.Mesh.MergeMeshes([xbox, ybox, zbox], false, true);
var matrix = BABYLON.Matrix.Scaling(1/3, 1/3, 1/3);
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