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State changing animation


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I wanted to ask if there is a way to tween a state when we enter it or when we leave it. Basically if some animation like "fade-in/out" can be applied to states.


After some search I found this: https://github.com/cristianbote/phaser-state-transition, but I'm not sure if it is compatible with the latest Phaser version. If anyone has used this let me know if it is worth it.




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You have to manually start tweens. You can start a tween at the end of your `create` method, or somewhere that your state ends. You might want to keep the tweens in sync. 


For example i have two states `state1` and `state2` At the end of `state1` I start a tween, from `alpha:0` to `alpha:1` for a white rectangle. That fades the screen to white. And then switch to `state2` and at the end of `create` method, I start a tween from `alpha:1` to `alpha:0` for a white rectangle. That fades the screen from white to `state2`. That's a manual transition.

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I did try it, it doesn't seem to work after 2.0.6


I will probably try the given code but it seems like a big feature that is missing from Phaser, I mean transitions between states seem like a big-deal... or is everyone doing something else I am missing?

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var transitionPlugin = game.plugins.add(Phaser.Plugin.StateTransition);transitionPlugin.settings({  // how long the animation should take  duration: 750,  // ease property  ease: Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out, /* default ease */  // what property should be tweened  properties: {    alpha: 0  }});

Then to move to a new state:

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