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Phaser.Text can't be empty string


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My edit box is working perfectly apart from one detail.

When I try to delete existing text and enter a new string, it cannot delete the first character.


After some poking around I found it is due to this code:

PIXI.Text.prototype.setText = function(text){    this.text = text.toString() || ' ';    this.dirty = true;};

So when I delete the last character in a string then try to assign the now empty string to the Text.text field, it is being replaced with a space.


Is there a reason why I shouldn't fix this by using '' instead of ' '?  Empty strings are normally quite acceptable, but perhaps there's something deeper inside which I haven't spotted yet.


EDIT: just noticed this is PIXI, not Phaser... I'll go ask them :)

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Bah, ever had one of those days?  Turns out it is in Phaser too:

/*** The text string to be displayed by this Text object, taking into account the style settings.* @name Phaser.Text#text* @property {string} text - The text string to be displayed by this Text object, taking into account the style settings.*/Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'text', {    get: function() {        return this._text;    },    set: function(value) {        if (value !== this._text)        {            this._text = value.toString() || ' ';            this.dirty = true;            this.updateTransform();        }    }});

I've changed both instances (PIXI and Phaser) to use '' and it seems to be working fine.

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