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collision does not work


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I have made ​​several crashes my game, and now I have intenado create another, and not working. And I've done the same way as the above ... I have this in the CREATE function:

barras = game.add.group();				barraLateral = barras.create(0, 10, 'barra');		barraLateral2 = barras.create(0, 460, 'barra');					game.physics.arcade.enable(barras);				barras.enableBody = true;			barraLateral.body.immovable = true;		barraLateral2.body.immovable = true;                game.physics.arcade.enable(playerBet);                 playerBet.body.enable = true;                 playerBet.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);                 playerBet.body.collideWorldBounds = true;                 playerBet.body.bounce.setTo(0, 0);                 playerBet.body.immovable = true;

and the update function

game.physics.arcade.collide(barras, playerBet);

The collision does not work ...

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Arcade is started by default, and it is also the default system enabled when you enableBody = true on a group, so this should work as intended. I would swap the playerBet and barras parameters around in the collide function but I don't think it would make that much of a difference.


The real problem is almost certainly that playerBet.body.immovable is true - immovable bodies do not register collisions, so if you're moving your player object around it will not affect the objects it's hitting. Instead try playerBet.body.moves = false, which allows the object to collide, but stops the physics system influencing its position, which effectively stops it being pushed around by other objects.

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