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Customize tween


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You can write your own easing equation if you need very specific tween easing, but I warn you it's maths heavy! See the code here: http://docs.phaser.io/Easing.js.html#sunlight-1-line-498


If you just want a constantly bouncing animation on the other hand, you'd be better off looping a tween:

var ball = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'ball');game.add.tween(ball)  .to({y: 300}, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.In) // drop down to y = 300  .to({y: 0}, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out) // bounce back up to y = 0  .loop().start(); // repeat forever
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You can write your own easing equation if you need very specific tween easing, but I warn you it's maths heavy! See the code here: http://docs.phaser.io/Easing.js.html#sunlight-1-line-498


If you just want a constantly bouncing animation on the other hand, you'd be better off looping a tween:

var ball = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'ball');game.add.tween(ball)  .to({y: 300}, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.In) // drop down to y = 300  .to({y: 0}, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out) // bounce back up to y = 0  .loop().start(); // repeat forever

Thx lewster32!!

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