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Phaser Instructions State help!


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I've started a basic game in Phaser, I'm trying to add a feature where you choose to PLAY the game by pressing UP or pressing LEFT to enter the INSTRUCTION state.


here's the current layout..




Menu > Instructions (NEW)



var menuState = {create: function(){//lot more content included in the JS file but this is the function which I've used up to now.    var upKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.up); upKey.onDown.addOnce(this.start, this);game.input.onDown.addOnce(this.start, this); },    start: function()     {     game.state.start('play');       },}
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as you need this in the create function...

var upKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.up); upKey.onDown.addOnce(this.start, this);game.input.onDown.addOnce(this.start, this); 

then you close the brackets on the create function before adding the start function, I don't know where to start to add the LEFT key to take me to the instructions state.


HELP!! aha

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Try basing your states on the templates provided with Phaser.  The menu state does pretty much what you want except it changes state from a click but that can easily be changed to a key press. I know you've left some code out to show the problem, and maybe you are doing something else that I don't understand but your code diverges considerably from how I understand it works.


For eg within your state you use:


I learned how to use states from the templates and within a state would use


to change to the play state.  Again, this is something I'm only just about getting my head around but I think you also have some problems with scope.  I'd have expected to call this.game.input... rather than game.input.


Best advice check the templates!


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