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Loading screen for a big function


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Hi everyone, I'm kind of new on this forums and phaser in general, but I had a simple question I would like to ask.


I've been a developing a prototype for a dungeon-crawling game and so far everything is working great. I have a random dungeon generator working and it can create maps of different sizes.


Right now I'm generating my dungeon inside a tilemap and I'm drawing everything on top of a layer. My only problem is that the drawing function takes at least 5 to 10 seconds to complete and I don't know how to add some kind of loading bar to it.


Any help would be appreciated.

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It's not exactly a "loading bar" but you could always throw up a "LOADING..." graphic, draw your map, then show it (and hide the LOADING).

// off the top of my head, not promising beauty hereMyAwesomeGame.prototype.Update = function() {  if (buildingMap == false) {    // show "PLEASE STAND BY..."    buildingMap = true;    return;  } else {    // build my map    // take down "PLEASE STAND BY"    // show map    // all done here, so change update function to point somewhere else.. like  }};MyAwesomeGame.prototype.AnotherUpdate = function() {  // cool gameplay here}; 
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