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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'x' of undefined


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im working on an alpha for school and i keep getting this error and for the life of me i cant figure this out 




$(document).ready(function() {
var canvas = $("#myCanvas");
var context = canvas.get(0).getContext("2d");
var stage = $("#stage");
var output = $("#output");
var container = $("#container");
var backgroundColor = "rgb(128, 128, 128)";
function resizeCanvas() { 
//NOTE: manually call resizeCanvas() if stage dimensions change
var elem = $("#stage");
var marginTopBottom = elem.outerHeight(true) - elem.outerHeight();
var marginLeftRight = elem.outerWidth(true) - elem.outerWidth();
var borderTopBottom = elem.outerHeight() - elem.innerHeight();
var borderLeftRight = elem.outerWidth() - elem.innerWidth();
var paddingTopBottom = elem.innerHeight() - elem.height();
var paddingLeftRight = elem.innerWidth() - elem.width();
canvas.attr("width", elem.innerWidth() - paddingLeftRight );
canvas.attr("height", elem.innerHeight() - paddingTopBottom );
canvasWidth = canvas.width();
canvasHeight = canvas.height();
function clearCanvas() {
//clear the canvas of the previous frame
//set transformation matrix to identity
context.clearRect(0,0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
function setBackgroundColor() {
//set background color
context.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
context.fillRect (0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
//--- main program
//canvas dimensions
var canvasWidth = canvas.width();
var canvasHeight = canvas.height();
var mouseX = 0;
var mouseY = 0;
var EPSILON = 0.0001;
var gameInitialized = false;
var SIZE = 64;
var groundHeight = 0;
// an array to store the game sprites
var sprites = [];
// an array to store ther images to be loaded and tracked
var assetsToLoad = [];
var assetsLoaded = 0;
// direction
var moveUp = false;
var moveDown = false;
var moveRight = false;
var moveLeft = false;
var jump = false;
//Game objects
var skyImage = new Image();
skyImage.src = "./images/mySky.png";
$(skyImage).bind('load', imageLoadHandler);
var foregroundImage = new Image();
foregroundImage.src = "./images/smallBackgroundAlpha.png";
$(foregroundImage).bind('load', imageLoadHandler);
//assign img src for each tilesheet
var tileSheet_A = new Image();
tileSheet_A.src = "./images/hedgehogApocalypse.png";
$(tileSheet_A).bind('load', imageLoadHandler);
var tileSheet_B = new Image();
tileSheet_B.src = "./images/timeBombPanic.png";
$(tileSheet_B).bind('load', imageLoadHandler);
var tileSheet_C = new Image();
tileSheet_C.src = "./images/monsterMayhem.png";
$(tileSheet_C).bind('load', imageLoadHandler);
var tileSheet_D = new Image();
tileSheet_D.src = "./images/collisionTileSheet.png";
$(tileSheet_D).bind('load', imageLoadHandler);
//create game messages
var gameMessage = null;
var player; 
var background;
var foreground;
var enemy;
var box;
// HUD Objects
var innerMeter;
var outterMeter;
var score = 0;
//game states
var LOADING = 0;
var BUILD_MAP = 1;
var PLAYING = 2;
var OVER = 3;
var gameState = LOADING;
//new game object prototype
var alien = Object.create(spriteObject)
extend( alien, {
NORMAL: [1, 0],
SCARED: [0, 1],
state: this.NORMAL,
init: function(SIZE) {
this.state = this.NORMAL;
Object.getPrototypeOf(alien).init.call(this, SIZE);
updateAnimation: function () {
this.sourceX = this.state[0] * this.sourceWidth;
this.sourceY = this.state[1] * this.sourceHeight;
function imageLoadHandler() {
// each time a image loads it will call this function
if(assetsLoaded === assetsToLoad.length)
$(skyImage).unbind('load', imageLoadHandler);
$(foregroundImage).unbind('load', imageLoadHandler);
$(tileSheet_A).unbind('load', imageLoadHandler);
$(tileSheet_B).unbind('load', imageLoadHandler);
$(tileSheet_C).unbind('load', imageLoadHandler);
$(tileSheet_D).unbind('load', imageLoadHandler);
window.addEventListener("keydown", keydownHandler, false);
window.addEventListener("keyup", keyupHandler, false);
//add listeners for the buttons
function keydownHandler(event) {
// if(event.keyCode != keys.F12)
// preventDefault(event);
var validInput = false;
if( event.keyCode === keys.UP
||event.keyCode === keys.DOWN
||event.keyCode === keys.RIGHT
||event.keyCode === keys.LEFT
||event.keyCode === keys.SPACE)
var key = keys.pressedKeys.indexOf(event.keyCode);
if(key === -1 )
var validInput = false;
//take care of contantly pressed keys
if( keys.keyIsPressed(keys.UP) && !keys.keyIsPressed(keys.DOWN))
moveUp = true;
if( keys.keyIsPressed(keys.DOWN) && !keys.keyIsPressed(keys.UP))
moveDown = true;
if( keys.keyIsPressed(keys.RIGHT) && !keys.keyIsPressed(keys.LEFT))
moveRight = true;
if( keys.keyIsPressed(keys.LEFT) && !keys.keyIsPressed(keys.RIGHT))
moveLeft = true;
if( keys.keyIsPressed(keys.SPACE) )
jump = true;
// take of one timed pressedKeys
case keys.ADD:
if(player.height <= SIZE * 2)
player.height += 10;
player.width += 10;
player.x -= 5;
player.y -= 5;
case keys.SUBTRACT:
if(player.height <= SIZE * 0.25)
player.height -= 10;
player.width -= 10;
player.x += 5;
player.y += 5;
case keys.GREATER:
player.rotation -= 10;
player.rotation = (player.rotation % 360);
case keys.LESS:
player.rotation += 10;
player.rotation = (player.rotation % 360);
case keys.OPEN_BRACKET:
if(player.alpha >= 0.2)
player.alpha -= 0.1;
player.alhpa -= 0.1;
case keys.CLOSE_BRACKET:
if(player.alpha < 1)
player.alpha += 0.1;
case keys.S_KEY:
player.shadow = !(player.shadow);
case keys.DOWN:
validInput = false;
return validInput;
function keyupHandler(event) {
var key = keys.pressedKeys.indexOf(event.keyCode);
var removedKey = undefined;
if(key !== -1 )
removedKey = keys.pressedKeys.splice(key, 1);
if(removedKey !== undefined) 
//take care of constantly pressed keys
if( removedKey == keys.UP)
moveUp = false;
else if( removedKey == keys.DOWN )
moveDown = false;
else if( removedKey == keys.RIGHT )
moveRight = false;
else if( removedKey == keys.LEFT )
moveLeft = false;
else if( removedKey == keys.SPACE )
jump = false;
player.isJumping = false;
//add a mouseDown event listener
canvas.bind("mousedown", mouseDownHandler);
canvas.bind("mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event)
mouseX = event.pageX - canvas.offset().left;
mouseY = event.pageY - canvas.offset().top;
function mouseUpHandler(event)
function init () {
//initialize the gameWorld
gameWorld.width = background.width;
gameWorld.height = background.height;
camera.width = canvasWidth;
camera.height = canvasHeight;
//center the camera over the gameWorld
camera.x = ( gameWorld.x + gameWorld.width * 0.5 ) - camera.width * 0.5;
camera.y = ( gameWorld.y + gameWorld.height * 0.5 ) - camera.height * 0.5;
//position foreground
foreground.x = ( gameWorld.x + gameWorld.width * 0.5 );
foreground.y = ( gameWorld.y + gameWorld.height * 0.5 )
gameTimer.time = 30;
gameInitialized = true;
//change to the next gameState
gameState = PLAYING;
function establishWorld() {
//instantiate the background, the position it and it onto the sprite array
//distance background
background = Object.create(spriteObject);
background.sourceHeight = 960;
background.height = 960;
background.image = skyImage;
background.x = 0;
background.y = 0;
foreground = Object.create(spriteObject);
foreground.sourceHeight = 500;
foreground.height = 500;
foreground.image = foregroundImage;
//postion gameObjects
//initialize HUD objects
innerMeter = Object.create(spriteObject);
innerMeter.sourceY = 142;
innerMeter.height = 14;
innerMeter.sourceHeight = 14;
innerMeter.image = tileSheet_D;
outterMeter = Object.create(spriteObject);
outterMeter.sourceY = 128;
outterMeter.height = 14;
outterMeter.sourceHeight = 14;
outterMeter.image = tileSheet_D;
function createGameObjects () {
//instantiate and initialize the game objects
player = Object.create(spriteObject);
player.image = tileSheet_A;
enemy = Object.create(alien);
enemy.sourceX = 64;
//enemy.scrollable = false; //use for timer and HUD elems
enemy.image = tileSheet_A;
box = Object.create(spriteObject);
box.sourceX = 0;
box.sourceY = 64;
box.image = tileSheet_A;
function positionGameObjects() {
//position foreground
foreground.x = ( gameWorld.x + gameWorld.width * 0.5 );
foreground.y = ( gameWorld.y + gameWorld.height * 0.5 );
//set groundHeight
groundHeight = foreground.bottom() - 50;
//position the player
player.x = ( gameWorld.x + camera.x + (camera.width * 0.5 ) );
player.y = ( gameWorld.y + camera.y + (camera.height * 0.5 ) );
//position the enemy
enemy.x = ( gameWorld.x + gameWorld.width * 0.5 ) + 150;
enemy.y = ( gameWorld.y + gameWorld.height * 0.5 );
//position the box
box.x = ( gameWorld.x + gameWorld.width * 0.5 ) - 150 + 100;
box.y = ( gameWorld.y + gameWorld.height * 0.5 );
//postions HUD Objects
innerMeter.x = enemy.x - enemy.halfWidth();
innerMeter.y = enemy.y - 16;
outterMeter.x = innerMeter.x;
outterMeter.y = innerMeter.y;
there is more code after this but i didnt want to flood the page
the error occurs uner the //postion the player comment "player.x = ( gameWorld.x + camera.x + (camera.width * 0.5 ) );"
when trying to see what my problem was i took out this line to see what would happen then i got the same error except with "y" in the line underneath, i have a separte .js file linked to my html file and in that i created a spriteObject and within that i have x defined 
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at first I'd like to ask you when you want to ask about js code to set up a working fiddle, the way it is now no one can repeat the process (link to fiddle).

Just to point it out you are missing a few semicolons in your code - not necessarily error but definitely bad practice ;-).


Because I couldn't reproduce the whole thing I'll advice you to strip the code of everything that doesn't need to be there step by step. If your problem is with player object then why do you give us all the code around, remove everything else and just keep player related parts and set them up hard (insert numbers instead of conditions depending on other factors) to see if you code about player is written in a wrong way. If you won't get any errors then step-by-step add pieces of code which you removed to find out when exactly you get the error (this way you'll find out what is wrong for certain).


Right off the bat advice:

a/ you set up your player as: var player; set objects as objects, arrays as arrays, ..., therefore var player = {}; and so on otherwise you'll run into so many errors.

b/ when you call "player.x = ( gameWorld.x + camera.x + (camera.width * 0.5 ) );" do you really have everything set up correctly? To me it seems that you don't have player set as object therefore you can't assign anything to it's property x when it can't exist. Example in fiddle why to set objects as objects is necessary.


PS: Use jshint, it will point out a few mistakes you made ;-).

Edited by AzraelTycka
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As started above, organize your code, even in something as simple as pastebin (or hastebin).


The error is exactly what it says: Somewhere you're doing object.x to get the x property of object but that object is undefined (AKA it can't find it). In this case, it would be player. Go an look at the LINE NUMBER is occurs as at find out why that object is undefined. This could be a mispelling, access to player incorrectly, or something else. Good luck!




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