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Work In Progress: lens effects post processing


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I'm currently working on a new RenderPipeline object that will offer many possibilites to achieve photograph-like realism. Please take a look here and don't hesitate to tell me any suggestion/idea you have in mind, including on the code:



Effects included in the pipeline are:

- chromatic aberration (slight shift of red, blue & green)

- lens distortion

- edge blur

- depth-of-field blur with highlight enhancing

- grain


I will of course make a PR of this once it's done!


Thanks :)


Note: some of these effects (especially the depth blur) are very GPU intensive, and I believe must be only used on computers/laptop with proper graphic chipset.



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For me the demo returns an error, here my console log (latest chrome):


BJS - [17:57:11]: Babylon.js engine (v2.0.0) launched
babylon.20.debug.js:2927 BJS - [17:57:12]: Valid manifest file not found. Scene & textures will be loaded directly from the web server.
babylon.20.debug.js:2945 BJS - [17:57:13]: Unable to compile effect: [object Object]
babylon.20.debug.js:2945 BJS - [17:57:13]: Defines: 
babylon.20.debug.js:2945 BJS - [17:57:13]: Error: Failed to create D3D shaders.
babylon.volumetricLightScatteringPostProcess.js.map:1 GET http://onirium-games.com/temp/lens_vfx_test/babylon.volumetricLightScatteringPostProcess.js.map 404 (Not Found)
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BJS - [13:49:53]: Babylon.js engine (v2.0.0) launched

babylon.20.debug.js:2945 BJS - [13:49:54]: Unable to compile effect: [object Object]

babylon.20.debug.js:2945 BJS - [13:49:54]: Defines: 

babylon.20.debug.js:2945 BJS - [13:49:54]: Error: Failed to create D3D shaders.


Chrome Version 40.0.2214.111 m (64-bit)

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Could you try Chromium instead of Chrome ? (or the french version :lol: )

I use Chromium with Linux and it works, even on my old laptop at home (well, only 7 fps there, but works :) )


works at 30 fps on my recent desktop at office with GPU Nvidia Quadro K620

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