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Front/Back/Double Side light reflection


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huu..  :huh:

The doubleSide I coded is just some tiny thing only for visibility/light reflection so far ...

It hasn't anything to do with collisions or physics. I just hope collisions or physics don't rely on sides  :mellow: .  No they can't... they just can't rely on something that didn't exist before, nope ?

I guess DK wouldn't have merged such a thing from me if it was possible to break something. Crossing my fingers ...


Actually  it is just a lazy method called in each shape constructor which re-sorts position, indice or normal arrays according to the wanted side before those arrays are passed to the vertexData object, the one who really constructs the intended mesh.


I like the cannon raycast car and the spacejack arcade game too  ;)


<secrecy mode sit="leather easy chair" drink="muscatel"> 


And at last, don't be afraid by those MS things... neither Google, Apple and other GAFAs...

I'll tell you why : they all are almost dead, but don't repeat it to anyone else  :ph34r:  I'm about to release a brand new system that will surpass all their existing products... yeah

I'm assembling a WOPR to some ZX81 cluster with an ATARI 520 ST as a monitoring console in my garage, near my stove wood stock and I'm designing a secret (what ? no, I didn't tell ya) new concept that will sink all GAFA into oblivion :


I will virtualize the virtuality




</secrecy mode>


huu... my wife is telling me I shouldn't have this fifth glass of muscatel  :D  :D <back to reality />

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and as a side node you should create a geometry for your great ribbon as well :)


done and PRed


just another question about this geometry :

I intend to implement the tubeMesh (marketing worked well ;) ).

The tube mesh is a particuliar application of the ribbonMesh. Some kind of a big ribbon helper as the tube maths is not that simple : computation of tangents, normals, binormals on a path, etc.

Well regarding BJS objects, a tubeMesh is actually a ribbonMesh with no added properties. Just a ribbon.

But ribbon parameters are hidden to the user, they are computed from other tube construction parameters : tube path, radius, tesselation, radiusFunction


So is necessary to have a Tube class with its own signature in the geometry.ts or not ?

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  • 1 year later...


I would like to ask this one:

DOUBLESIDE on sphere segments using MeshBuilder aren't possible? why not?

How can I instead got double side segments without double and inverse the mesh?? .. (btw: how I should inverse a sphere segment at all .. ??)


and tried with:

var sphere = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("sphere", {segments: 25, diameter: 5, arc: 1.0, slice: 0.2}, scene, false, BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE);


Thanks and with best regards,


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not sure to understand what you try to achieve...

DOUBLESIDE creates a mesh geometry with twice more facets (triangles)  than FRONTSIDE for instance : there facets on the external surface facing towards the external space and there facets on the interior surface facing the internal space. This has nothing to do with the number of sphere segments, neither the diameter, nor anything else.

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