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nightly build engine for the playground


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Does the nightly built engine (BJS 2.1) still run for the playground ?

I updated the doc about side orientation in the discover basic elements part (btw, it would be so nice you could bookmark doc pages instead of frame/iframe navigation imho).


In the text, I give links to playground examples as it is easier fir the reader to see the side differences more than to imagine them

ex : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#14RNAU#6


but I doesn't work.


And if  I put my mouse cursor in the code on any createXXX() function, Intellisense doesn't present me the new function signature (with sideOrientation), so I guess it's not the last nightly built engine running here.

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 Pushing our "nightly" builds is a manual process. To update our playground, we're pushing 2 files:


 - the new compiled and minified babylon.js file

 - a type definition file (.d.ts) for the IntelliSense to work


 Neither deltakosh or I have properly update the playground recently. I'm going to do so during the day as I need to push a bug fix on web audio ;)





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