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Phaser 2.2.2 game not loading in ios8 safari browser


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I have developed a simple game using Phase 2.2.2 game engine. It is working in all browsers except ios8 safari. We have tested in ios7 device and it is working. Just see a blank screen in ios8 safari browser.


Kindly suggest the possible workarounds. I am not able to find a fix for this.

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Phaser "out of the box" works fine in iOS8 Safari, so something in your game code is causing it to die I'm afraid.


The easiest way to tell - hook an iPad / iPhone to a Mac and remote debug Safari. Then you'll get the exact error and line number causing it. There's no other way to debug Safari (it's impossible from Windows for example)

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Thanks for the reply. I got it to work by changing Phaser.AUTO to Phaser.CANVAS. The game is loading in ios8 safari browser now. But if i try to render the game on ios8 webview, it still shows white screen - I have placed all the files in local directory and load in webview. I am able to get the game working on ios7 web view. 

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