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readyCheck - Cannot read property 'call' of undefined


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I'm having a bit of an issue porting a project from typescript to plain old javascript.  Looking in my old game.js file (generated by the TS complier) and I grabbed the following pieces of code and placed them into files stated below.  However when I try to run my page, I get the following error: 


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined phaser.js:45167


Looking into it, it appears that my Game object is being added to Phaser's readyCheck without a boot callback, but I don't understand why.  I literally copied this code out of my working game file and pasted it into a new file and now it doesn't want to work.  I can verify that __extends is defined correctly at runtime, Game has indeed extended the Phaser.Game prototype, and Game.prototype.boot is assigned the appropriate function, after __extends returns.  I'm kinda confused and am totally prepared for this to be something dumb, but I could use some assistance here.


Thank you



var __extends = this.__extends || function (d,  {    for (var p in  if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];    function __() { this.constructor = d; }    __.prototype = b.prototype;    d.prototype = new __();};


var MyGame;(function (MyGame) {    var Game = (function (_super) {        __extends(Game, _super);        function Game() {            _super.call(this, 1024, 768, Phaser.AUTO, 'content', null);            //this.state.add('Boot', MyGame.Boot, false);            //this.state.add('Preloader', MyGame.Preloader, false);            //this.state.add('Play', MyGame.Play, false);            //this.state.start('Boot');        }        return Game;    })(Phaser.Game);    MyGame.Game = Game;})(MyGame|| (MyGame = {}));// Start the gamewindow.onload = function () { var game = MyGame.Game(); };


<div id="content"></div><script src="/Scripts/Phaser/phaser.js"></script><script src="/Scripts/Game/utilities.js"></script><script src="/Scripts/Game/app.js"></script>
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