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Is there a way to increase the size of a pointer's click circle?


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I understand that the pointer affects inputs inside the area of a circle which is something like 35-45 pixels in diameter. Is there any way to increase the size of that circle? I've tried passing it a new Phaser.Circle or simply changing the diamater/radius property, but no luck. 

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You can resize the Circle object used by the Pointer - however it doesn't make any different to the way Input is handled. All the Circle object is for is to allow you quick access to a 'finger sized' circle to perform your own calculations from, the Input Manager itself doesn't actually use it.

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I see. Well what I've done as a workaround is to increase the circle size and use the contains method on the circle to determine which objects are in the click radius. Not exactly the most elegant solution but it works sufficiently for my purposes. 


I'm guessing there is no way to have input events fire when the mouse clicks within a certain radius, as opposed to the mouse clicking on a single x/y position?

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