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RenderTexture not using DisplayObject rotation


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Is it possible to render a rotated DisplayObject into a RenderTexture. Atm it looks like "RenderTexture.render" and "RenderTexture.renderXY" just ignores rotation on the object.


My current solution is to use "BitmapData.draw" which works fine. But I'm still wondering why RenderTexture ignores the rotation?




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Yeah you can bypass the render function and do this:

    if (this.renderer.type === PIXI.WEBGL_RENDERER)    {        this.renderWebGL(displayObject, matrix, clear);    }    else    {        this.renderCanvas(displayObject, matrix, clear);    }

Where matrix is a matrix that is applied to the display object before being rendered.

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Thanks Rich!


Apparently another solution is to first add the rotated DisplayObject to a group and then call RenderTexture.renderXY with the group instead.

// Create arm with hand as child. Then rotate arm and render to RenderTexturevar arm = this.game.make.sprite(0, 0, 'Arm');var hand = this.game.make.sprite(this.options.ArmAttachmentPointX, this.options.ArmAttachmentPointY, 'Hand');arm.angle = 90;arm.addChild(hand);var group = this.game.make.group();group.add(arm);renderTexture.renderXY(group, 0, 0, false);
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