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Disable Input for whole Group

Tom Atom

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Hi, is there way how to disable input for whole Phaser.Group in Phaser 2.2.3? Or is the only way to iterate through all group members one by one and in case of nested groups do it recursively?


In Phaser 2.2.2 I found propery "interactive" in pixi/display/DisplayObject.js. In Phaser 2.2.3 this property is still in Typescript definition file (pixi.d.ts), but it is missing in pixi/display/DisplayObject.js source code.


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Groups don't have any input handlers at all, so you have to disable it on the children. It's always been like this - the "interactive" property came from Pixi, but Phaser has never actually used it. We recently removed it when we moved to a custom build of Pixi as it was causing confusion (like this)

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