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Flashing scene with only skybox and water


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Hi Guys,


I have an scene that load a skybox, water and a ground terrain. For some reason it started to flash but I cannot find a good reason for it.


I have disabled the ground terrain (tiles) and I have only the skybox and the water ground but it is still flashing when I move the camera around. You can check the code and the behaviour in this link:




Could anyone tell me what is happening?


You can check the javascript files or if you need more info let me know. The Enviroment and Material folders keep all the info about water and sky and the Starter.js initialize the scene. The water vertex and fragment files can be found in the network transaction when loading the page.


thank you guys!


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Hey Alvaro, 


The problem here is your coordinates : 36 000 000 in x axis (and same in Z) is too much, the browser z-buffer can't handle these data.

Try to get your scene near the origin (0,0,0) by translating everything, and it will be much better :)



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Will change the code to check it.


That is meant that even if there is no objects, but I create one very far from the center of the scene, the browser has an extra work because of the distance? I guess it has to in someway process all that distance.


Thank you!

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