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Rotate an object with the mouse


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I'am starting with babylon and I have a simple question.

Is somebody could explain me or had an example that explains how to rotate an object by drag&drop the mouse?

Thanks for your help...

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Hi pco38, welcome to the forum!  Your question might be simple, but the solution is not so simple.  Keep in mind that you can rotate on 3 different axes.  Would you consider...


standard drag = rotate around Y axis

SHIFTED-drag = rotate around X axis

CONTROL-drag = rotate around Z axis




I did a little testing last night, using our Playground Drag Demo.  Still testing various modified onPointerMove funcs.


Stay tuned.  And tell me what you think about the shifted-drag and control-drag stuff. 


You can also use a "gizmo".... a little tool that can pop-up near the mesh, and you can drag-rotate on IT. The nearby mesh "follows" the dragging done on the gizmo.  (this is seen in modelers such as Blender and Max).  *shrug*  Talk soon, and welcome again.

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Hi Wingut,


Thank you for your answer.


I will try to test a solution based on the PlayGround Drag demo.


To complete my question, my problem is to rotate a flat object like a disk on it's perpendicular axis. To control the opening or the closing of a valve for instance.


Another question, Is there a function to convert 3D coordinate to screen coordinate ? 


Congratulation for the babylon developers that have done a very good !

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Hi again!  :)


This is a "drag-scrub" rotater.  Click on a mesh and hold the button down, then move the mouse around (scrub).  The mesh rotates... in one direction.  Not a very good drag-rotater, eh?  I agree.  Maybe it will work for your need.

I will keep trying to think of better ways.  I might try leftButton-hold to rotate left, rightButton-hold to rotate right (when done atop a mesh). 

Or, maybe not.  :)

Maybe others will have ideas, too.  Be well.

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  • 7 months later...
On 5/8/2015 at 8:52 PM, Wingnut said:


This is a "drag-scrub" rotater.  Click on a mesh and hold the button down, then move the mouse around (scrub).  The mesh rotates... in one direction.  Not a very good drag-rotater, eh?  I agree.  Maybe it will work for your need.

Hello there, if anyone needs rotating 3D objects in both directions, here it is:


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