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A Closer Look at Babylon.Js tutorial/overview


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Not sure how much interest there is here, since you are all already Babylon developers, but I figured I'd share anyways.

I just recently published A Closer Look at Babylon.js, part of an ongoing series that acts as a quick introduction, overview and getting started tutorial all in one. The idea is to act as a quick start point for people evaluating a game engine. There is also a

that goes in to a bit more detail.
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Yep, I used some abbreviations to narrow the hotlist, so i could cram more things on it.  :)  Ain't it great.  I've been caught, red-handed.  :)  Pretty cool analysis, Serapth!  ("on a permanent basis").  ;)


Also, this website/webpage doesn't scale, wordwrap, resize, control-mousewheel... worth a hoot.  Lots of width="517" height="273" stuff in there... hard coded pixel widths/heights and not percentages... the page can't flow right.  It's such a great document, content-wise, that it's a real shame that it's html is bad. 


Let's fix that, or republish that piece with a better template.  It's a pretty nice piece of work.


BabylonDocs bashing, though.  hmm.  I think you just have some CSS issues... which are still being experimented-with, at BD.  But the underbelly of BabylonDocs... is friggin' God-like.  Rumor has it that it cooks, cleans, does laundry, construction, lawncare, and it searches dumpsters for valuables.  BabylonDoc authors just have those features turned-off right now.  BabylonDocs is currently using only 1% of its brain. ;)


I'm just being goofy.  Besides, real men don't use docs.  They use a telepathic connection to github framework source and become one with the code.  heh.  ahem.

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Yep, I used some abbreviations to narrow the hotlist, so i could cram more things on it.  :)  Ain't it great.  I've been caught, red-handed.  :)  Pretty cool analysis, Serapth!  ("on a permanent basis").  ;)


Also, this website/webpage doesn't scale, wordwrap, resize, control-mousewheel... worth a hoot.  Lots of width="517" height="273" stuff in there... hard coded pixel widths/heights and not percentages... the page can't flow right.  It's such a great document, content-wise, that it's a real shame that it's html is bad. 


Let's fix that, or republish that piece with a better template.  It's a pretty nice piece of work.


BabylonDocs bashing, though.  hmm.  I think you just have some CSS issues... which are still being experimented-with, at BD.  But the underbelly of BabylonDocs... is friggin' God-like.  Rumor has it that it cooks, cleans, does laundry, construction, lawncare, and it searches dumpsters for valuables.  BabylonDoc authors just have those features turned-off right now.  BabylonDocs is currently using only 1% of its brain. ;)


I'm just being goofy.  Besides, real men don't use docs.  They use a telepathic connection to github framework source and become one with the code.  heh.  ahem.


With Google's recent algorithm change, this is coming higher and higher up my list of things to do.


Reality is, it's a blog started 5 years ago, using the technology of the day 5 years ago.  Since then I have focused almost entirely on content.  Now things are a mess, I need to completely redo all the navigation, change the layout and perhaps most importantly, go through all the stuff ive generated over the years and polish the gems and hide the turds.  The downside is, to do this I have to stop generating content for a while.


It's getting to breaking point though, so I am going to have to focus some time on site look and feel and implement a responsive design.


My one major gotcha on that is so much of the content assumed a 900px canvas to play with.  This is the actual blog posts, and there isn't a lot I can do about that, except go and by hand edit about 4000 xml files.  That's going to be a pain...



But yeah, I agree 100%, the HTML design of the site is terrible.

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Thanx Serapht for pointing out often that the documentation of babylon.js was a lot of time irritating. It's why I am using less often babylon.js to develop awesome stuff. I was (and still I) a newbie with webgl and imho babylon.js at the point that the documentation and the tutorials are right now, its a hard game system to deal with. We will see what bring the future. Like I said I am eager to be fluent in babylon.js but for right now,the way it's organize, you have to pass a lot off time in the forum to find answers to common questions or go treasure hunt informations buried in the documentation.

Have a good day,


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I followed your video and it's great. I also agree that the doc.babylonjs.com is perfectible and we should all work on it :) I'll start a thread for this!


Excellent responsiveness, that's good to hear!  Some people do not respond to criticism quite as well... ;)


You're list in that thread however is bang on to the issues I encountered.  Class hierarchy is certainly a biggy, that was the thing I missed the most.  A good, single page, class list was the other thing I constantly fought with.  Also, site navigation in general was at times frustrating ( like clicking the header to bring you the root of the docs, or clicking column headers on the left always bringing you to a page. )


Great work!

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