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How to organize game files


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Hi there!


I have a question to basic project organizing with phaser. I think maybe this is also a answer based on opinion, but I'd love to hear some comments.


I am working on a project which includes a lot of different minigames and they will be included on a WordPress installation.


The first set of games is really similar, because it is a alphabet learning game. The letters are displayed on the screen and the players has to click them.


So far I had just the game states as js files, I copied them and changed backgrounds and positions.


But for the sake of proper coding, I think it would be best to code the boot.js, preload.js and the game.js with variable settings, a functions.js with the different movement functions and for each game a own game.js, which are called throug GET variables.


Or is there a special way to organize a huge set of minigames in phaser? I am so new to this, I'd love to hear some advise!


Thanks very much in advance

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So far I had just the game states as js files, I copied them and changed backgrounds and positions.

I think that's the best idea.

It's simple and straightforward, and keeps the code from the mini games separate from the main application.

By trying to integrate them more tightly, you risk creating a complex tangle of code that's going to be really difficult to untangle later if you need to.

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