matuuz Posted June 5, 2015 Share Posted June 5, 2015 Hi, i'm new to phaser and i'm making a game to practice, i separated the different sections of the game in files: Boot, Preload, GameTitle (or menu) and finally TheGame...TheGame as you may imagine contains the game map, player and all the physics stuff I will make a short version of my problem after posting the code:I want a map layer (made with tilemap) to collide with player that makes the player lose a life or something like that.. i want the level to reset, so i do this:, layer3, this.restartLevel);the code for that function is:restartLevel: function(){;} But i get an error in the chrome console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined I saw in some posts on the forum that the "game.state.start(game.state.current);" should be at the "create" function but as you see below it's inside the "restartLevel" function. Here is the whole code of "TheGame" (then i have the other files that load sprites, images and all those things), hope anyone can help me. Thanks! MyGame.TheGame = function(game){var map = null; var player = null; var layer = null; var layer2 = null; var collidetiles = null; var playerGravity = null; var doubleJump = null;}MyGame.TheGame.prototype = { create: function(){ //gravedad; //PROPERTIES collidetiles = [20, 34, 90, 62]; //tile numbers that collide with player playerGravity = 1200; doubleJump = false; //add tiles to mapmap ='map', 32, 32); map.addTilesetImage('tiles', 'tiles'); map.addTilesetImage('hills', 'hills'); //create layer & resize world layer1 = map.createLayer('background'); layer2 = map.createLayer('objects'); layer3 = map.createLayer('damage'); layer4 = map.createLayer('extra'); layer1.resizeWorld(); layer2.resizeWorld(); layer3.resizeWorld(); layer4.resizeWorld(); //allow cursors to scroll around the map cursors =; //set map collision map.setCollision(collidetiles, true, layer2); map.setCollision(collidetiles, true, layer3); map.setCollision(collidetiles, true, layer4); //spawn player this.spawnPlayer(); //make camera follow player; //player properties; //add physics to player player.body.gravity.y = playerGravity; player.body.setSize(30, 30, 0, 0); player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;},update: function(){ //collide player with objects in the map layer, layer2);, layer3, this.restartLevel);, layer4);player.body.velocity.x = 0; //reset velocity when moving left or right //keyboard move left and right (A & D) if ( && !{ this.moveLeft(); } else if ( && !{ this.moveRight(); } //keyboard jump and action (W) jumpButton =; jumpButton.onDown.add(this.checkJump, this); //when you touch floor let jump again if you don't jump first if(player.body.onFloor()) doubleJump = true;},render: function(){ //show camera, 32, 32); //show fps"FPS:" +, 748, 16, 'rgb(255,255,255)', '14px Courier');}, checkJump: function(){ //if on floor, jump and give another jump if(player.body.onFloor()){ player.body.velocity.y = -500; doubleJump = true; } //if in air and can jump again, jump and don't let jump again if(!player.body.onFloor() && doubleJump){ player.body.velocity.y = -500; doubleJump = false; } //console.log(doubleJump); }, moveLeft: function(){ player.body.velocity.x = -220; }, moveRight: function(){ player.body.velocity.x = 220; }, spawnPlayer: function(){ player =, 280, 'player'); player.anchor.set(0.5); }, restartLevel: function(){; }} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
matuuz Posted June 7, 2015 Author Share Posted June 7, 2015 I'll mark it as solved if i can... after 4 days searching over the forum i found something useful, the answer was in the, layer3, this.restartLevel, null, this);I added "null, this" and that was it, it worked with the function that reset the instance, good luck to anyone having the same problem. P.S.: i changed ";" for ""TheGame", true, false);" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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