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Phaser Camera Jittering


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When using camera.follow, I (seemingly) randomly get camera jitter when moving around. It's weird because sometimes it is perfectly fine, and other times it starts to jitter like crazy (without touching any code. all i do is refresh the page). Any ideas what could possibly be causing this?


I've made sure roundPx is true, and tried it with false as well.


Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm moving my character around using velocity and arcade physics. I saw a bunch of stuff about how it's bugged buut they were all really old threads with no solutions. 

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When using camera.follow, I (seemingly) randomly get camera jitter when moving around. It's weird because sometimes it is perfectly fine, and other times it starts to jitter like crazy (without touching any code. all i do is refresh the page). Any ideas what could possibly be causing this?


I don't have any major suggestions other than to note that I was having similar issues with this recently, except that the sprite was jittering even without camera follow. I spent nearly a week trying to get a single sprite to move smoothly across the screen, until eventually I just gave up and began to work on the rest of the game. Weirdly enough, once I added controls and got some other sprites in there, the jitter seemed like much less of a problem. I don't know if the jitter is actually objectively less, or if I just am noticing it less because other things are going on. I have no idea if you are in a similar situation, but if you are getting the jitter in a very stripped down test, you may want to try living with it and moving on - it might turn out to affect your game less than you think under "real world" conditions.

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I'm getting it on stripped down tests as well. I've been experimenting and I THINK the issue may be a large world size. I tried a stripped down test with different world sizes, (only tested horizontal movement) and every time my world size went over roughly 1500 or so, i started noticing the jitter. It's REALLY bad, and there's no way I can continue if there's no fix for it. I'm going to try out Quintus as well and see if I can get something working.

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  • 6 months later...

Just found the solution to this problem after weeks of hunting for it, just posting it here in case someone else stumbles across this thread like I did.

In your render function if it's not already true set

          game.renderer.renderSession.roundPixels = true;

just once and boom everything fixed.

Ref: https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/issues/1377

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