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Delete all Objectreferences in Phaser


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I'm having

trouble with Memory leaks.


This is why I have some scenarios im having questions about



var group = game.add.group();var sprite= game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'sprite');group.add(sprite);group.destroy(true,true)


var group = game.add.group();var sprite= game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'sprite');group.add(sprite);sprite.destroy();


same scenarious, but instead of the sprite object Im having primite graphics or text.




Now my Question: Will there still be a reference to that sprite-object? Or is it ready to be collected by the Garbage Collector?


Thanks in advance


PS: is there a way to check if a reference still exists in the phaser universe - maybe a function where i get back the sprite-object through the key?




I guess

it works everything fine relating to destroying objects in phaser.

I came up with the idea to count all objects like this

countChildren(game.phaser.world.children);var countChildren = function(group){      var sum = 0;      for(var i in group){          sum += 1;          if (group[i].hasOwnProperty('children') && group[i].children.length>0){              sum += debug.countChildren(group[i].children);          }       }      return sum;     }

I always got back a constant value - so my memory leak has to be somewhere else ~~

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Okey, as i found out, my problem is phaser related.

for each created game object, there is an array which then is filled:


even if you call the destroy method of a group or its children, this array still retains all objects.

-> Garbage Collector wont collect those objects, because there is still a reference existing.

This causes Memory leaks (and ultimately my game to crash because it sucks up too much memory).


Is it safe to set

game.world._hash.length = 0

Or is there another, better way in phaser to do this?


I really think its somehow my fault, since i cant imagine that im the first one who has this problem.


For what is this array needed anyways?

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