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Camera Follow Jitter


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I am having an issue with the entire world jittering when the camera is moving to follow the player sprite. I have found that this only occurs when I use sprite.body.velocity.x or any other velocity based movement. If I use something like sprite.x -= 4 it does not occur. Have I missed something?


If you'd like to see an example, please let me know. I'd prefer this project not be entirely public, as it is personal.

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Ah cool, I had this problem a couple days ago and figured out a roundabout solution after a while by making the controlled sprite be invisible and have the player sprite follow it but with rounded values like so:

player.x = playerLoc.x;player.y = playerLoc.y;player.x = Math.floor(player.x);player.y = Math.floor(player.y);

Glad it'll be fixed though so I can get rid of that ugliness.  :P

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