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Top down world with player falling from it (like in Bastion)


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I'm really at loss here and I'd appreciate some help. Is it possible in Phaser to build a top down world with the player (and enemies) falling from it when it goes over the edges (see picture)? What would be a possible layer and collision set up?




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This looks like a basic isometric game, where you have allowed tiles (the road) and tiles that kill you (the tiles you can't walk on).


Another way would be to simply create a polygon shape that are the "denied" areas (areas where you die) and add a simply collision event to kill the players when they hit it (and maybe simulate a falling animation).

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tips4design is thinking what I'm thinking. Don't think of it as "falling", think of it as a death animation that plays when the player intersects a particular polygon. Cut player control, change animation, tween the sprite off the screen.


You can sort the world using "this.game.world.sort('y', Phaser.Group.SORT_ASCENDING);" at the bottom of your update method in your state (example pulled from the docs) to achieve the depth sorting you want, too.

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