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lack of cross platform


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You need to report it to Chrome, or whomever's browser isn't working right. This is a bug in the browser.


Looks like you have backface culling on for Chrome and not for FireFox. Are you specifically specifying for it in your code? One browser may default for it to be on or off.

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Well, the good news is: for me it's the same in chrome and firefox. The bad news is it seems broken in both browsers :P


My console gets me a cross origin error. Did you try loading that cube "the normal way"? I mean from the same webserver and not with inline an inline definition?


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I am not sure what the problem is.

This texture has a transparent cloud, which is shown there. back face culling is off, so you can't see inside, and cross-origin policies prevent the scene from being loaded correctly... so:

http://playground.babylonjs.com/#1VOQP6#16 , this works somehow :-) also on both firefox 38 and 39. they might had an erroe with alpha in firefox 37 which they obviously fixed.

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