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With blender created mesh not displayed correctly


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Hey there,


I was finally able to load a mesh into my scene. Now I have another problem: The babylon-file looks weird in my scene. The shadows seem to be bugged (I'm using the HemisphericLight and it seems wrong that every part of the mesh reflects the light bulb) and one of the walls is not on the correct position.


Here is what it looks like:





And here is how it is displayed in blender:




Any idea how I can fix these issues?


Here is my scene:



Thanks for reading!

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Hey there,


unfortunetaly, I didn't saved the project as a blender file :/ BUT I think I found a solution for both problems: When I'm done, I have to join all part together, so its basically one part. That fixes both problems.


Anyway, thanks for your time! :)

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Ok Skalibran :)


I did take a look at the babylon file and have a couple of suggestions for you.


1. All the surfaces are all in some way at 90 degrees to each other. - so you should set Use Flat Shading to true for each cube.


For each cube, go to the properties panel and click on the "Object Data Tab" (the triangle with three dots). In that panel find Babylon.js and check the "Use Flat Shading"


See the difference between the two with 90 degree surfaces here : arches test


Arch on the left - flat shaded, arch on the right - no flat shading


2. It is a good idea when building a scene like that in the Blender "Object" mode to select each object and Apply the Position/Rotation/Scale:


cheers gryff :)

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Hey there, thanks for your answers. Flat Shading does really fix the shader issue. However, because it was the main question, I'll mark the answer from dad72 as solved, for future users who have problems with that. I hope its okey :D

One more question to meshes (the last one this week, I promise! (good its monday tomorrow))


I instantly fell in love with SketchUp because it's really easy to use and I dont want to go that deep into 3D-moddeling. I created a test cube with textures and exported it in different formats to test the compitability with blender (because of blenders babylon.js-addon). Blender seems to not import the textures, and when I export the .babylon-file, its just the mesh.

I know I can add materials to the mesh incode, but that would be too much code for my taste. Is it possible to create a .babylon-file where textures and positions of the textures are saved? Maybe in combination with a folder including the textures?


I found a material editor for babylon.js, but if I upload a .zip-archive with textures and the .babylon-file I just see the mesh, probably because the connections to the textures were already lost when I exported the .dae-File to .babylon using blender.



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