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How to update values of a scene without stop the render loop


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Hi guys :D

I would ask you a question:

is there a way to update some value of mesh (i.e a ground) without stop the engine and restart again?

I try to explain better :

I use this peace of code 

$('#mapHeight').slider({        value: 0,        min: 50,        max: 200,        slide: function (event, ui) {            MAP_HEIGHT = ui.value;            engine.stopRenderLoop();            startBabylon();        }    });

I set the global variable MAP_HEIGHT; it is used in this function :

var ground = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGroundFromHeightMap("ground", 'texture/heightMap.png', 800, 800, 100, 0, MAP_HEIGHT, scene, false, null);

Then I stop the renderLoop (the variable engine is global) and call the function that start all the scene (startBabylon(); ). In this way when the scene is created, I will use the vaue updated.

It works, but every time I change the value with the slider, I stop the engine and start again , but ,for a fraction of second, I notice that the scene is loading (with a grey screen); so I would know if there is a way to update this value without stop the engine and make it more "fluid".

Or there is another way to do this?

Many thanks guys !

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