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can moving geom?


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floor is geometry rectangle.. And doesn't have any physic..


but I had to solved that.


i'm using "game.debug.geom(floor, '#0FF000');" on render function

var floor;function create() {floor= new Phaser.Rectangle(20, 20, 40, 40);game.debug.geom(floor, '#0FF000');}function update() {floor.x += 2}
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I'm still not sure what "not working" means. A rectangle is not a display object so nothing will be drawn while you move it. Is that what you mean? You'll probably be better off using a Sprite with an image of a rectangle instead of using the debug methods to draw the rectangle for you, performance-wise.


Gregu92, same thing. An ellipse isn't a display object so you'd need to draw something along the same path as your ellipse... so why not make it a sprite with a physics body anyway?

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I've made something like this:

var graphics = this.add.graphics(0, 0);        graphics.lineStyle(3, 0xFFAAAA);        graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000);        graphics.drawEllipse(0,0,50,25);        graphics.endFill();                sprite = this.add.sprite(100, 200, graphics.generateTexture());

Then, I tried to add some 'physics' to this, but the sprite.body is null.

The purpose why I need to use primitives is that there will be more than 200 different colors of the ellipses. Moreover colors should be picked randomly.

Still looking. I just have started with the Phaser and it seems to be very powerful tool but I need to know it first.


Code looks like this right now:


        var graphics = this.add.graphics(0, 0);        graphics.lineStyle(3, 0xFFAAAA);        graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000);        graphics.drawEllipse(0,0,50,25);        graphics.endFill();                sprite = this.add.sprite(100, 200, graphics.generateTexture());        sprite.angle = -30;        this.physics.arcade.enable(sprite);                sprite.body.bounce.y = 0.2;        sprite.body.gravity.y = 300;        sprite.body.collideWorldBounds = true;        sprite.body.velocity.y = -300;
        sprite.body.velocity.x = 1;
console.log(sprite); graphics.destroy();

It seems to work - and it has been done with help of http://phaser.io/tutorials/coding-tips-004 . I think it is highly recommended to go through that tutorial. Also in "update" function I have added sprite.x +=10 and it works perfect. 

My topic is done here. Thanks.

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