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I'm trying to set a timer to remove the onDown callback if the onDown input is enabled for a certain amount of seconds.


At this stage I have a timer in the update function which should just print a word, but the timer never fires and the word is never printed. I feel like I have missed something simple but any help would be much appreciated.




 my timer looks like this

this.game.time.events.loop(delay, this.touchOff, this);  

 the function touchOff simply prints "TOUCH OFF" at the moment. 

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Your code is fine. What does 'delay' contain? Try replacing it with Phaser.Timer.SECOND and see what happens. The timer doesn't need starting because you're using the global Phaser Timer, so it must be something else going on. Either it never got a chance to start, or touchOff couldn't be accessed, or delay doesn't hold a ms value.

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