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Error babylon not defined help!


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I am very new to Babylon, I am designing an app with visual studio using html5, css3, and JavaScript. I am trying to use the code from the Babylon.js website, I copy pasted the code to a html doc and it sees the doc but won't load the image. I keep getting the error ''Babylon not defined'' in this line:

var engine = new babylon.engine(canvas, true);


Any help would be appreciated! ​



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Welcome on the BJS forum  :D


 I copy pasted the code to a html doc


I don't think you understood what BabylonJS is.

Basically, it's a Javascript library, that help you handle pure WebGL code, and offering you functions to create and design a 3D game in HTML page.

As a library, BabylonJS has to be loaded in your HTML page, as other JS files.

<script src="http://cdn.babylonjs.com/2-1/babylon.js"></script>

So, Babylon is a library, and all Babylon functions are in the BABYLON block.

When you want to call something related to BabylonJS, you must write "BABYLON.yourThingToCall", in upper case (it's important!).


In your case :

var engine = new BABYLON.engine(canvas, true);

To introduce you gently in BabylonJS, you can follow tutorials on the offical doc here .

If you want to go further, you can follow these tutorials. If you prefer to have book in your hands, you can try the official e-book .


If you have any questions, feel free to ask on this forum.



Hope I was clear and helped correctly.  :)

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Look at this extract your code:

<head>    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="utf-8"/>    <title>BABYLON - Getting Started</title>    <!--- link to the last version of BABYLON --->    <script src="BABYLON.2.1.debug.js"></script>    <style>        html, body {            overflow: hidden;            width   : 100%;            height  : 100%;            margin  : 0;            padding : 0;        }        #renderCanvas {            width   : 100%;            height  : 100%;            touch-action: none;        }    </style></head><body>    <script src="http://cdn.babylonjs.com/2-1/babylon.js"></script>

Line 5 and 23 you call twice Babylon.js. This could be the problem. Keep the line 23

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