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Can we set side orientation for imported models or for meshes after they are constructed?


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I was following this: http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/15978-better-outline-for-mesh/ question, but I didn't really see a final answer.  It appears that the meshes just have a property called sideOrientation that is set to a number (also dfined as BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE for instance)


For some reason, even though this looks like just a property, it can not be set after the mesh is constructed.


My question is 

A. Are there plans to support this?


B. Can we set the facing for a mesh importer in a babylon file? (right now it seems set to the default of one)


C. If neither of these things are true, how could I ever make it so I could navigate "inside" a box modeled in blender?


Thank you

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Answer for A : no


Actually, when you set sideOrientation to DOUBLESIDE, the mesh builder method (CreateSomething()) knows then it must construct twice more facets in the shape geometry : inside (or backside) facets and outside (or frontside) facets.

It is to say the mesh is then given twice more vertices, twice more facets, twice more uvs, etc than a single sided mesh... at construction time.

It's is not the same mesh than a single sided one in terms of geometry.


There's no real simple process (but still feasable, I guess, by rebuilding another different mesh from the initial one) to do it once the mesh is built.

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Thank you for this.  Interestingly I do not see this documented - is there somewhere that it is?


This doesn't do exactly what I am interested in however.  I am basically trying to toggle whether or not you can see "inside", the inside faces, of a sphere, after you make it.


For instance, if I make a mesh in blender, when I import it, I can not see the inside (and outside) of the faces simultaneously. 


Is there a way that I could do this? Make the inside and outside faces of the mesh visible simultaneously for a mesh I import from blender or a mesh that I originally created with BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE;?

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