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Phaser Collision Best Method?


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So I'm planning on creating a big tile map, I was wondering what you think the best method of collision handling is. Before I would collide with all tiles apart from those in an array? I'm thinking now because this would be such a big map to have all my collision tiles on a layer in tiled? Does colliding with a lay work well?


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might be worth taking a look here



looks like the collision is between certain tile types (by index) in the TileMap ?


edit: actually that's what you were already doing? I understand what your asking therefore is it better performance to have all collidable tiles in a separate layer? sorry I don't know the answer to that one.



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This is the biggest map in my game and it works fine on a Moto G xt1032 as long as it's the only layer. Having more than one layer also works fine on desktop, but the performance starts suffering on mobile. I'm colliding the character sprite against the tile layer, and swapping a big amount of tiles every second. 


Putting all collidable tiles on a separate layer and rendering it would probably be slower, since I think each layer will be a separate draw call.


If you use setCollisionByExclusion phaser will calculate the faces that collide only once, so it doesn't matter how big the exclusion array is. 



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