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checkOverlap method in Phaser


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I'd like to ask you smth. guys:


Have you ever tried to use a checkOverlap method, that checks whether dragging element is overlapped lying one or not.


Here is the code:

checkOverlap: function(spriteA, spriteB) {   var boundsA = spriteA.getBounds();   var boundsB = spriteB.getBounds();   return Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(boundsA, boundsB);}

I always have bugs with that: sometimes when I'm dragging element and overlap another one this method returns false, but elements are overlapped


Why does that happen?


Thank you in advance)

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looks like i was not clear enough.can you show code where you use this method?

I use that in the update method (sorry, I can't show whole my code, because I 7 interfaces). I just to need to remove collisions on the overlapping


I just need to check whether one sprite overlaps another one or not while dragging the first one, that's all


How is it better to do that?


I saw another topic http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/6488-rectangle-collides-with-spritebody/ where the answer was to use the "body" property, but I can't do that, because my sprites have fixedToCamera property and also they can be dragged


I will appreciate any help, thank you!

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Please check this example. It does exactly what you're looking for : http://phaser.io/examples/v2/sprites/overlap-without-physics

In your example is the same that I did


I have problem with overlapping,  I'm dragging a sprite, overlap another one, but it still returns false


I have problems that it sometimes returns false when I overlap them


in console I see smth like this: 


5 true

2 false

6 true

and so on


but they are overlapped


here is the code:

update: function() {        if(this.dragStarted) {          //some code          var key = // smth happens;          // some code          this.checkOverlapWeaponInHold(key);        }},checkOverlapWeaponInHold: function(holdKey) {        var weapons = this.itemsObject.items;        if(weapons[holdKey] != null) {            if(weapons[holdKey].item != null && weapons[holdKey].item.type == 'weapon' && this.checkOverlap(this.draggingElement, weapons[holdKey].item)) {                this.weaponInHoldOveredKey = holdKey;            }         } },
checkOverlap: function(a, B) {
        var boundsA = a.getBounds();
        var boundsB = b.getBounds();
        return Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(boundsA, boundsB);
stopDrag: function(currentElement) {  
        if(this.weaponInHoldOveredKey != 0) {
this.changeWeaponPlace(currentElement, this.weaponInHoldOveredKey);
            this.weaponInHoldOveredKey = 0;
        this.dragStarted = false;  
        this.draggingElement = {};
changeWeaponPlace: function(currentElement, overedKey) {
        console.log('overedKey = ', overedKey);
        var lyingElement = this.itemsObject.items[overedKey].item;
        game.add.tween(currentElement.cameraOffset).to({ x: lyingElement.cameraOffset.x, y: lyingElement.cameraOffset.y }, 250, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
        game.add.tween(lyingElement.cameraOffset).to({ x: this.START_X, y: this.START_Y }, 250, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
//place changing
var newObject1 = $.extend(true, {}, playerInfoObject[currentElement.key]);
        var newObject2 = $.extend(true, {}, playerInfoObject[overedKey]);
        playerInfoObject[overedKey] = $.extend(true, {}, newObject1);
        playerInfoObject[currentElement.key] = $.extend(true, {}, newObject2);
        newObject1 = {};
        newObject2 = {};
this.itemsObject.items[currentElement.key].item.changed = true;
        this.itemsObject.items[overedKey].item.changed = true;
        this.sendSwapItem(currentElement.key, overedKey);
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could you try this?

update: function() {        if(this.dragStarted) {          //some code          var key = // smth happens;          // some code          this.checkOverlapWeaponInHold(key);        }},checkOverlapWeaponInHold: function(holdKey) {        var weapons = this.itemsObject.items;        if(weapons[holdKey] != null) {console.log(weapons[holdKey].item);console.log(this.draggingElement);            if(weapons[holdKey].item != null && weapons[holdKey].item.type == 'weapon' && this.draggingElement.overlap(weapons[holdKey].item) {                this.weaponInHoldOveredKey = holdKey;            }         } },

and check in both console logs:

1-both ARE sprites

2-the value of weapons[holdKey].item.type

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