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a gui library


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Hi guys, I want to share you my recent work, the RSGUI library.

RSGUI is an attempt to help you create game gui components, all the built-in components are extend from phaser sprite with bimapdata canvas drawing and also custom texture supported.

For examples, you can find on the github page http://redsheep.github.io/RSGUI/
The source is hosted on github https://github.com/redsheep/RSGUI

The project is still under developing and expect your feedbacks.


By the way, I want to add bitmaptext support, is there any simple way to draw bitmaptext on bitmapdata?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, was playing around with the GUI components and had a couple of questions.

Is there anyway to resize the text box? It doesn't seem to have a width and height.

Also is there anyway to emulate a password input box? I was hoping to use these as part of a login screen.



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