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Is it possible to export text objects from blender?


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Not directly.  I do have a utility fontGen.blend here, https://github.com/BabylonJS/Extensions/tree/master/Dialog/fonts.  It can also be used to generate signs.


Basically, load this blend.  Edit the Text Object with the letters you want.  Put the mouse over the script window, and type Alt-P.  If the Text object does not contain a single letter 'A', it will convert it to a Mesh rather than generate 90 something meshes.  Not all of the Text properties are consulted, so you need to change in the script (extrusion (use 0 for 2D), ADD_UVMAPS=True if going to use textures).  There are code comments which describe this.


Save as to a temporary Blend, then use File Append in your target .blend to get it into your scene.

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Hi JS.  Here are the steps I use:


1. Create the text object as usual - including thickness bevels etc.

2. When you are satisfied, with the Text Object selected -> Alt +C -> chose "Mesh From Curve/.../Text"


The text Object is now a mesh


3. Now go into Edit mode for this mesh - it may look very cluttered, particularly very curved letters.

4. With all the vertices selected, hit the spacebar and type "Limited Dissolve" in the little box and  then select that option.

5. In the toolbar to the left of the 3D window you will see the parameters you can change for the dissolve - the default values (5 degree angle)  work fine, but play with them.


The resulting mesh look better and I usual get a reduction in the number of vertices of ~ 15%. It also will allow for better Boolean operations with other meshes


Here is an example I made a while ago:




Hope that helps.


cheers, gryff :)

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