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New to Phaser & JS, probably just a syntax mistake.


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I'm trying to pass a string literal as an argument and use it in groups.createMultiple function but when I do i get the error "TypeError: this._frames[a[d]] is undefined". Why can I not do this and what would be a better way. Thanks for the help.
    setupEnemies: function() {        this.enemyBlack01Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlack01');        this.enemyBlack02Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlack02');        this.enemyBlack03Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlack03');        this.enemyBlack04Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlack04');        this.enemyBlue01Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlue01');        this.enemyBlue02Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlue02');        this.enemyBlue03Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlue03');        this.enemyBlue04Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyBlue04');        this.enemyGreen01Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyGreen01');        this.enemyGreen02Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyGreen02');        this.enemyGreen03Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyGreen03');        this.enemyGreen04Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyGreen04');        this.enemyLightBlue01Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyLightBlue01');        this.enemyLightBlue02Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyLightBlue02');        this.enemyLightBlue03Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyLightBlue03');        this.enemyLightBlue04Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyLightBlue04');        this.enemyOrange01Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyOrange01');        this.enemyRed01Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyRed01');        this.enemyRed02Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyRed02');        this.enemyWhite01Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyWhite01');        this.enemyWhite02Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyWhite02');        this.enemyWhite03Pool = this.createEnemyGroup('enemyWhite03');    },    createEnemyGroup: function(sprtie) {        var group = this.add.group();        group.enableBody = true;        group.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;        group.createMultiple(10, sprtie);        group.setAll('anchor.x', 0.5);        group.setAll('anchor.y', 0.5);        group.forEach(function(enemy) {            enemy.animations.add('fly', [0], 20, true);            enemy.animations.add('hit', [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], 20, false);            enemy.events.onAnimationComplete.add(function(e) {                e.play('fly');            }, this);        });        return group;    }


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Hi IHateThisMap!


You are passing no "this" context to .forEach(), but use "this" in the callback. Does it work if you change it as follows? Look at the last line here:

        group.forEach(function(enemy) {            enemy.animations.add('fly', [0], 20, true);            enemy.animations.add('hit', [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], 20, false);            enemy.events.onAnimationComplete.add(function(e) {                e.play('fly');            }, this);        }, this);

In JavaScript, a function defined inside another function doesn't automatically have the parent function's "this" reference. If you want to force a function to have a context, you have to .bind() it to a context like so:

function () { /* ... */ }.bind(context)
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