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Pixelperfect only working for OnInputOver, not for OnInputDown ?


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I'm now bald because for the past 2 days I've been trying to figure out how to do a pixelperfect click on a png with transparency.

I'm bald because I'm freaking out and now I'm sick of pulling my hair out!


I quickly found sprite.input.pixelPerfectOver = true; 

Yay. Now it disregards the transparent area when figuring out if the mouse is over the sprite.


However, clicking the transparent area still registers? And the function I have for .onInputOver is also fired then...


Please help :'(

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There's no such property as 'pixelPerfectDown'.


There is sprite.input.pixelPerfectOver and sprite.input.pixelPerfectClick - both of which are false by default. There is also pixelPerfectAlpha to let you control the alpha tolerance.


How does your code differ to one of the examples like http://phaser.io/examples/v2/input/pixelpick-atlas ?

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