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getPhysicsBodyOfMesh to limit physics speed

bill barsch

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I´m using the new babilon 2.3 and Cannon physics to take advantage of heightmaps physics.

I´m applying some impulses to move my Character and it´s ok, but I have to limit it speed, because it keeps growing and growing.

So I try to access the body inside the physics plugin engine with no success, to try some configs like: inertia(0,0,0) or somethink like that.

(I dont know if it will do what I want, using oimo.js, the ".body.linearVelocity.scaleEqual(0.92);" was working very well but oimo don´t have heightmaps physics that I need). 



I try: 


but getPhysicsBodyOfMesh is undefined.

I try scene.PhysicsEngine.getPhysicsBodyOfMesh()

but undefined too

How can I use this function?



Thanks very much!

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