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Problem with fadeTo


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aaah nvmd. I had a look at the core and saw, that volume == 0 will stop the sound -.-

Hi there,


I have three sounds where just one is "active". All three sounds are alike but have different tunes but exact the same timing and the user can switch through them. So when sounds A, B, C are given, all three sounds play on loop on volume 0 parallel. If the user chooses one sound I trigger sound.fadeTo() and set the volume to one. If there is a current sound I trigger sound.fadeTo() on the current sound to volume 0 and the new sound to volume 1. Now the problem:

All three sounds start at the same time at volume 0

-> user chooses one sound -> volume 1

-> user chooses another sound -> current sound volume 0 -> new sound volume 1


All with fadeTo() and it works so far... but only once. If a sound was on volume 1 and set to volume 0 with fadeTo it wont fade to volume 1 if the sound was chosen again...


Any ideas why this happens?

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