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BringToTop doesn't work for child of child sprite


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I have a sprite which has some children. I run


and it works well. However, it applies only to children of mainSprite, not child of one of its children. For example mainSprite.child is brought to top but mainSprite.child.child doesn't..


Is it a bug or I am missing something?

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Sorry for late answer. I've had to change the code. But I think it's straightforward,

parentSprite = this.add(0,0,'someKey');childSprite = this.add(10,10, 'anotherKey');greatChildSprite = this.add(20,20, 'differentKey');childSprite.addChild(greatChildSprite);parentSprite.addChild(childSprite);game.world.bringToTop(parentSprite); //this brings only parentSprite and childSprite to top, not greatChildSprite
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