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Tweening to moving object


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im trying to tween the camera to the player position like this:


this.cameraTween= game.add.tween(game.camera).to({y: (player.y- (game.camera.height /2)), x: (player.x- (game.camera.width /2))}, 500).start()

this.cameraTweenBack.onComplete.add(function () {

}, this);


this is OK when the player is not moving.

However when the player is moving the follow function will make it snap to the delta it moved during the tween.

chaining tweens dint fix this problem for me



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Something like this works, but its to jittery

    this.onUpdate = function () {        console.log("x: " + game.camera.x + "y: " + game.camera.y)        game.tweens.remove(this.cameraTweenBack);        if ((game.camera.y - (player.y - (game.camera.height / 2)) < 10) &&            (game.camera.x - (player.x - (game.camera.width / 2)) < 10)) {            console.log("destination reached")            game.camera.follow(player);        }        else {            this.cameraTweenBack = game.add.tween(game.camera).to({                y: (player.y - (game.camera.height / 2)),                x: (player.x - (game.camera.width / 2))            }, 50).start()            this.cameraTweenBack.onUpdateCallback(this.onUpdate, this);        }    }
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