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Why should CollisionWorker save as string?


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the gulp will build work as stream of



but in the core files, it already has




just more about collisionCoordinator, but it's only 15K size.

in the gulp build, the min.js file is about 66K bigger than noworker.js.


why should the 15K worker content separated?

I think it make things complicated.

Who can explain...

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I can explain!


The short answer - a worker requires all of its dependencies in it, as it is in another scope The collide, coordinator, and math are dependencies for both the main scope and the worker scope. it is stringified to have everything in one single file.

The longer answer - https://blog.raananweber.com/2015/05/30/web-worker-without-a-separate-file/


I am not too sure where it makes things complicated (and not sure to whom), But I hope this makes things a bit clearer.

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