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Overlapping group and sprite problem


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Hello, everybody!


Is there a possibility to overlap a sprite and one item of group?

If you assign a key (usually by default it is the sprite's name in the preload) to each item in that group you might accomplish that.


For instance

//in create()var sprite = game.add.sprite(0,0,'sprite'); //key here is sprite which refers to whatever you assigned in the preload()var group = game.add.group();var item1 = game.add.sprite(50,50,'item1'); //key is item1var item2 = game.add.sprite(100,100,'item2'); //key is item2group.add(item1);group.add(item2);//in update()group.forEach(function(item){  if(item.key=='item2')    game.physics.arcade.overlap(sprite, item, callBack, null, this);})function callBack(sprite,item){  item.kill();//kills item2 when it collides with sprite}
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Thank you!



If you assign a key (usually by default it is the sprite's name in the preload) to each item in that group you might accomplish that.


For instance

//in create()var sprite = game.add.sprite(0,0,'sprite'); //key here is sprite which refers to whatever you assigned in the preload()var group = game.add.group();var item1 = game.add.sprite(50,50,'item1'); //key is item1var item2 = game.add.sprite(100,100,'item2'); //key is item2group.add(item1);group.add(item2);//in update()group.forEach(function(item){  if(item.key=='item2')    game.physics.arcade.overlap(sprite, item, callBack, null, this);})function callBack(sprite,item){  item.kill();//kills item2 when it collides with sprite}
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