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Question about Tile Maps and Collisions


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HI There. Thank you for reading this.


I am working on a game with a ball colliding with theworld. Think Pong where there is a ball bouncing off of the walls. However, I also want to put short straight lines  randomly around the stage that the ball can bounce off to increase the difficulty. The lines can be at any angle. 


I originally created my collision tiles in Tiled and everything was working great until I realized that the Arcade physics engine was treating everything like a horizontal or vertical polygon, so when the ball collided with an angle it wasn't changing the angle of velocity according to "real" physics.


I am currently rewriting my code in P2 physics to see if that works better, but I was hoping that someone could tell me if there is a more ideal option.


I learn something new about Phaser every day, but I don't know what I don't know. Tiled collision tiles seem ideal because I don't have to individually position each line on the board, but is there a better way that I have not yet come across? I was looking at PhsyicsEditor but it doesn't seem like it will work because I will be inside of the sprite, not outside.



Thank you very much in advance.

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I don't know P2 (I mean, I've never used it) but yes, Arcade only has vertical/horizontal rectangle-shaped hitboxes. So for your ball this isn't ideal, and neither is it for the lines. I would strongly advise you to switch to P2. I didn't quite understand why you can't work this out with PhysicsEditor though... Could you re-explain your issue with it please?

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