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Accessing and changing properties on the Sprite Object


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Hi Phaser users, I've been using Phaser for about three weeks and have hit my first wall. I'm making a 2d fighting game and while I have basic attacks working, Phaser apparently kills the sprite on collision with an attack. I'm wanting to set a fixed amount of health so that instead of instantly killing the sprite, the game subtracts the health from the sprite. My sprite names are "player" and "player2", and when I went to the Chrome console, I typed in player and noticed that the player object inherits from  Phaser.Sprite. I saw there were already properties in the Phaser.Sprite object that I think would be useful, such as health and damage. I saw in the API they're listed under the Phaser.Component section, but I didn't see any example under the Examples tag that used them. How would I go about using these properties with my "player" and "player2" sprites? Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

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